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Why is Milk White?
200 Questions About Chemistry
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Why is Milk White?
Foreward by Simon Quellen Field
Things that catch fire or go bang
People and Animals
Household Chemistry
Health and Safety
Things that stink
Chemistry in the world
Why are some foods made with chemicals?
Why do we need calcium?
Why do we need to eat food?
How does chemistry keep your food safe?
Why does adding oils to cooking water keep it from boiling over?
Why do onions make you cry?
How do you make rock candy?
Why does salt have a texture?
Why is chocolate a solid?
Why is peanut butter creamy?
Are there chemicals in artificial flavors?
What makes soda so fizzy?
Why do people tap on soda cans before they open them?
What are all of the chemicals in soda?
Does bottled water go bad?
What makes cookies rise?
Why does a white of an egg turn white when you cook it?
Why does jelly feel squishy?
How does a fruit get ripe?
Why is honey so sticky?
Why does butter melt?
How do you make fake butter?
What gives people energy?
Why do some medicines have flavor and others don’t?
Why is bubble gum stretchy?
Why is there salt in all most everything you eat?
Why does sugar make you hyper?
Why do you get cavities when you eat too much sugar?
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