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Why is Milk White?
200 Questions About Chemistry
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Why is Milk White?
Foreward by Simon Quellen Field
Things that catch fire or go bang
People and Animals
Household Chemistry
Health and Safety
Why do people need to wear goggles while they are doing experiments?
Why does Bactine sting when you spray it on your owie?
How does soap get germs off you?
Are there chemicals in toothpaste that can hurt you?
Why do your eyes hurt when you get out of the pool because you weren’t wearing goggles?
How do face wipes take away zits?
How can Zanfel™ soap get off poison oak?
How does sun block protect your skin from getting a sunburn?
How do you get a sunburn when it is cloudy?
How do you get a tan?
Why does hydrogen peroxide bubble up when you put it on your owie?
How does cough syrup have a strong taste and it makes you stop coughing?
Why are some medicines liquid and some medicines are pills?
How do band-aids stick to your skin?
What are some chemicals that make people crazy?
What happens if you breathe in hair spray?
Why do people use hydrogen peroxide for mouth rinse?
What happens when you swallow hydrogen peroxide?
How does hydrogen peroxide bleach your hair?
What are the chemicals in spit?
What do the chemicals in spit do?
What common chemicals shouldn’t be mixed together?
Things that stink
Chemistry in the world
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